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Setting Up a Repository with Git and GitHub

Using the GitHub CLI

How to Install the GitHub CLI

The GitHub CLI allows you to fork repositories, create issues, pull requests, and more from the command line.

Follow these instructions to install GitHub CLI on Mac, Windows, or Linux.

How to Authenticate with the GitHub CLI

From the terminal, you will need to authenticate with the GitHub CLI. You can do this by running the following command:

gh auth login

Then, follow the prompts to authenticate with the GitHub CLI.

How to Fork and Clone a Repository with the GitHub CLI

A fork is a remote copy of a repository, allowing you to experiment freely with changes without affecting the original project.

A clone is a local copy of a repository that includes all the files, branches and commits.

To fork and clone a repository with the GitHub CLI, run the following command:

gh repo fork open-sauced/<REPO_NAME>

The GitHub CLI will fork the project in your GitHub account and will ask you if you want to clone the repository on your local machine.

How to Add a Remote Repository

Adding a remote repository allows you to pull in changes from the original repository and keep your forked copy of the repository up to date.

To add a remote repository, run the following command:

git remote add upstream

How to View the Remote Repositories Locally

To view the remote repositories that your local repository is connected to, run the following command:

git remote -v

You should see the following output:

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

Using the GitHub Website and the Command Line

If you prefer to set up your repository using the GitHub website and the command line, follow this detailed guide from the official GitHub documentation.