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Showcase Your Open Source Stats with Your Dev Card

The Dev Card feature is what we like to call your "open source business card."

On the front of your card, you see your profile picture, username, the number of pull requests you have created, the number of repositories you contributed to, and a graph icon that describes your activity rate.

You'll see the back side of your card when you click it. It shows more information, including your profile's picture and headline, the number of pull requests you have created, the date of your first contribution on GitHub, activity rate, PR velocity rate, and a View Profile button that takes you to your dashboard.

front and back sides of a dev card

Whether you are just beginning your open source journey or a maintainer looking for more contributors and sponsors, you can share your Dev Card as a snapshot of your contributions, skills, and engagement in the open source community.

Eager to get your Dev Card? Here's how you can get yours today:

  1. Log in to your OpenSauced account.
  2. Navigate to your profile.
  3. Click the Dev Card icon on your profile image.

dev card icon on user profile